Ashin Setkeinda
(A Biographical Sketch)
Ashin Setkeinda was born on September 18, 1975 to U Ngwe Thaung and Daw Myat Mhin in Yele Kyun Village, U Yin, Chauk Township, Magway Division in Myanmar ( Burma ) on June 1989 He became a Novice under the preceptor of Venerable Dhamma Pala. Three year later, He moved to the Kyaukse Gyi Monastery.Nawaday Street, Pyay. On 1993, he passed basic level of Buddhist Education held by Department of Religious Affairs, Minis try of Religious Affair, Government of Union of Myanmar (Burma).
On June 17,1995, He was ordained as a noble Monk at the Udakukhepa Ordination Hall of Yele Kyun Village, U Yin, Chauk Township, Magway Division supported by his family. He continue to study Highest level of Pali at the Kyaukse Gyi Monastery in Pyay with his constant effort and hard work he passed the Pathamagyi Examination and achieved. The PATHAMAGYI ( HIGHEST CLASSIC ) PASS CERTIFICATE which is one of the highest degrees in Pall and Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar (Burma) on 2000. After completion of his monastic education, he became a teacher one of the Ky aukse Gyi Monastery Sangha Committee and gave education to fellow monks and nov ices.
In 2016, he joined the Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization in Mahasi Sasana Yeik tha, 16 Sasana Yeiktha Road, Yangon, Myanmar there he practiced and learned all the Mahasi Sayadaw's meditation method and techniques. After taking the intense meditation training course, he was acknowledge as a meditation instructor. In 2016, He was invited by the America Burma Buddhist Association in USA to teach Buddhism and meditation as an assistant teacher. He was able to join them and arrived at ABBA on January 29, 2019. He resides at Mahasi Meditation Retreat Center, 63, Gordons Corner Rd, Manalapan NJ 07726. His religious activities and services are as follow:
- teaching meditation and Buddhist prayers
- teaching Buddhism and mediation to children
- tanning newly ordained temporary Buddhist monks and novices
- providing families with religious advice in their daily lives
- taking care of the pagoda and temple